Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation

This service provides three weeks of self-evaluation tools, methodology, support, and coaching to analyze and identify modifiable risk factors that are under your control. Provides recommendations to change behaviors of your lifestyle, activity routines, eating habits that improve your health, performance, and wellbeing. It focuses on your reachable goals and making your action plan for change.

Comprehensive Evaluation

macbook-study-conference 49kb


Body scale y cinta metrica

Action Plan

Week One

15 min coaching session

Gather your equipment

Daily Food Intake & Exercise survey

Body measures technique

Body measurements

Wellness Assessment


Week Two

Fitness Tests

Body Posture Photos

Weekly Eating & Exercise Report

Healthy Eating Pattern Survey

Lifestyle and Health Risks Survey


Week Three

Readiness for change Survey

Wellness Profile Report

Coach Miranda Recommendations

Wellness Profile Analysis and Action Plan

Coaching Session (60 mins)

Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation Pack


  1. Three weeks with coaching support
  2. One online preparedness coaching session
  3. Healthy Eating Pattern and physical activities recommendations
  4. Complete Wellness Profile Report
  5. Coach Miranda Wellness Recommendations Report
  6. Online Assessment tools
  7. Methodology supported with videos and explanation charts
  8. My profile and Action Plan coaching session

This is the first step to know your interconnected wellness, fitness, nutrition, and health risk identification to take control of your life and decide to improve your wellbeing.

Do not wait any longer!

Coach Miranda @2018