Like many other young people and adults who want to have and maintain a beautiful body, increase their muscle mass and at the same time reduce body fat, you must take into account several factors to achieve your goals. The first thing you should know is to answer the following questions:
How is my Current Weight?
What body fat percentage I want to have?
Which food habits I need to change?
What is my physical condition now?
Before trying all the popular diets from social networks, register in a gym or follow the instructions of an App of your mobile phone, you must be clear about the answers to the previous questions and from there, look at your surroundings, resources, personal conditions , knowledge and physical skills to decide what changes you will commit to achieving your goals
If you can’t answer these questions, you should take the Coach Miranda “Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation” first, then follow these recommendations:

External support
- Search for a team of professionals who work in a comprehensive and coordinated way
- Adequate dietary advice from a nutritionist or a dietitian.
- Work with instructors with knowledge of the physiology of the exercise and its personalized application.
- Remove all in one solution- from your list.
Improving Results
- Each metabolism is different, so the results are not the same.
- Create adequate and realistic goals.
- Are you looking to improve your appearance or become healthy?
- To burn body fat, you need long-lasting exercises.
- Keep in mind that the first thing you lose in your body with exercise are liquids.
- When you reach your desired Body Fat %, change your goal to increase your muscle mass.
- The muscles need time to grow.
- Only when you master the technique, you will achieve the results of muscle size and strength you desire.
- As your body adapts to your changes, the results occur slowly.
Behaviors Changes
- It is essential to be constant.
- Do not fall into the trap of training and eating well for a couple of days and then quit the diet.
- Commitment to continually consume a correct supply of food.
- Always plan and organize your shopping and cooking.
- Increasing energy in your diet does not mean eating any food.
- Repetition is the key to training habits.
- Apply the correct technique in everything you do to become expert
- To gain muscle mass requires a positive energy balance in a timing and balanced way.
- To achieve muscular augmentation is necessary to consume carbohydrates and protein foods.
- A high-energy diet provides between 1.2 g and 2g of protein per kilogram of weight. You don’t need extra protein.
- Consume complex carbohydrates; muscles need fuel to perform the training and stimulate the release of insulin, an anabolic hormone that participates in the muscle development of the body.
- Long-term excessive use of extra protein intake without criteria can lead to bone decalcification.
- Consume carbohydrates and protein after training to favor the recovery of glycogen and the loss of muscle proteins.
- Essential fatty acids influence the processes of organic construction and functional regulation. Excessive consumption of high-fat foods can lead to gaining fat mass and not muscle.
- Eat more often, to increase the intake of food and energy by supplementing the main meals to avoid discomfort or indigestion.
- Fruit smoothies, liquid supplements, sports or cereal bars, yogurt, dried fruits, flavored soy milk, and fruit juices are options to supplement your diet.
Resistance Exercises
- Work the main muscle groups to build a symmetrical physique and prevent imbalances.
- Practice your Form first. Rehearse the coordination of your movements until you master it.
- Perform multiarticular exercises to achieve higher performance and muscular and strength gains.
- Do multiple Series of resistance exercise 3-4 series to get the maximum benefit.
- Control the Weight used in your resistance exercise. It is appropriate, when you reach muscle failure between 8 to 12 repetitions, with proper technique. If you can do more than that number, the weight is too light, and if you do not reach six repetitions, it is too much for you.
- Control breathing during Repetitions: Inhale and hold your breath while lifting the pressure from weights securely and forcefully, exhaling only on top of the movement. Next, lower the weight under control while inhaling. Invert the direction gently in the lower position without bouncing the weight’s pressure at the bottom.
- Rest between 90 and 120 seconds between each set of your exercise routine to eliminate lactic acid and the changes in pH that accumulate in the surrounding tissue produced by muscle fatigue.
- Rest at least 48 hours between workouts. To repair your muscles and strengthen them as you move forward and add volume to your muscle circumference, the rest period increases.
- Strive to do a little more in each workout — a progressive stimulus that you need to keep improving.
- Beginners notice notable changes in the first two months. Then you must rearrange the muscle groups, number of exercises, series, and repetitions on certain days to keep your training program fresh and look for other objectives.